Why You Need A Whiteboard For Your Apartment

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Looking for something that will add some quirk to your apartment? Forget that colorful, but boring, throw pillow you were thinking of buying. You need a whiteboard! A whiteboard is useful if you’re looking to get some work done at home, but it can also be a fun way to communicate with others. Plus, it’s a great conversation starter. And that’s not all. Here are some reasons why you need to get a whiteboard for your apartment.

Hash Out Your Ideas

One of the big draws of a whiteboard makes itself apparent if you’re a student or if you plan on doing some work at home. Whiteboards can be a great tool for drawing and writing out visual maps, especially if you’re working with a group. Rather than pass around a notebook or try to map things out on a computer, writing on a whiteboard is quick and easy for all to see. And if you don’t like the look of things, it only takes a second to erase!

Write To-Dos, Reminders, and Chores

WhiteboardConsolidate your most important notes into one place and ditch the clutter of endless sticky notes and strips of paper for good. Whiteboards are great for keeping an account of your personal tasks, but they’re also good for families who need to track chores for each family member. Hanging a whiteboard will keep responsibilities out in the open and keep everyone accountable.

Leave Cute Notes for Your Family, Roommates, or Yourself

What you write on a whiteboard doesn’t have to be restricted to work. A whiteboard can be a great medium for showing your appreciation for those you live with. And if you live alone, well, you can write notes of appreciation for yourself! For instance, a daily quote to look at when you’re working hard can be just the motivation you need to finish your task.

Display Your Wi-Fi Password for Guests

There’s a good chance your password is a long, incomprehensible string of digits and letters. Rather than have your guests awkwardly enter the password on their device while looking at your internet router, write this password down on the whiteboard! Not only will it save your guests from having to ask you what the password is, it’ll also be a lot easier for them than reading off a router or having you repeat the password to them.

Have Fun at Parties

A whiteboard can be a fun addition to a friendly get-together. At the beginning of the night, sign your whiteboard with “Write on me!” and see how things develop through the night. Your guests will surely love this peculiar party concept, and you’ll have the added fun of looking back on what everyone wrote.

Besides these reasons, what’s great about a whiteboard is that its size is versatile. Whether you need a small, personal board to keep next to your desk or a large board that takes up the majority of a wall, you can usually find whatever you’re looking for. And, if you’re feeling a little DIY, you could always make your own!

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  • Jack Mulligan

    After reading this I’m surprised I didn’t already have a whiteboard in my house! I like to be able to leave notes for people, and keep my wi-fi password visible. I may need to get a whiteboard to go on the living room wall so everyone can see it!

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