Break the Habit of Being Late

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Do you often find yourself saying “I’m sorry I’m late…” to the people you are meeting with? Have your friends and family just come to expect that you’re not going to be on time? If you are tired of being late and feeling like you’re always running behind schedule, then it’s time to break the habit. While many people find it difficult to break the habit of being late – it’s not impossible! Follow these tips, and you’ll be able to stop making excuses and start arriving on time.

Tip #1

Start by evaluating how often you’re late and why. If you’re constantly running late, there’s likely a reason (or multiple reasons) why. Do you have a hard time waking up in the morning? Or do you tend to procrastinate and leave things until the last minute? Once you identify the underlying cause (or causes), it will be easier to address them.

Tip #2

If you find yourself struggling to wake up in the morning, try going to bed earlier the night before. This will help ensure that you get enough sleep, which will make it easier to wake up on time. Additionally, try setting your alarm clock for a specific time – and stick to it! And avoid that snooze button! Instead, get up right away and start your day.

Tip #3

If you have trouble remembering to show up on time, set reminders and alarms on your phone or in your calendar. For example, if you have a meeting scheduled for 11 am, set an alarm for 10:50 (or earlier if you need to drive to your meeting) to ensure that you are prepared and on time.

Tip #4

Another helpful tip is to create a “buffer” in your schedule. In other words, if you have a meeting that’s scheduled for 12pm, don’t plan anything else after 11:30 am and until at least 12:30pm. This will give you some wiggle room before your meeting and in case you run into any unexpected delays.

Tip #5

It’s also important to be realistic about the time it will take to get places. Often, people are late because they underestimate how long it will take to get there. So next time you’re planning your day, make sure to give yourself enough time – there are many apps that can show you how long it takes to get someplace. (Some even factor in for traffic and construction!)

Tip #6

If you find yourself running late on a regular basis, try setting up a system of consequences for yourself. For instance, if you’re late for your weekly meeting with your boss, don’t allow yourself to have coffee until the meeting is over. Or, if you’re late for your child’s soccer game, don’t allow yourself to go out for ice cream afterward.

Tip #7

Finally, one of the most important things you can do is be honest with yourself. If you’re constantly making excuses for being late, it’s time to take a step back and reevaluate your priorities. Are there things that you can eliminate from your schedule in order to make more time for the things that are truly important? Be honest with yourself and make the necessary changes.

If you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to breaking the habit of being late! Just remember that it takes time and effort to change longstanding habits. So be patient with yourself, and don’t get discouraged if you slip up occasionally. Just keep trying, and you’ll eventually get there!

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